What Is Freelancing and who is a freelancer?


What is Freelancing and who is a freelancer?

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is a contract-based profession where instead of being recruited in an organization, the person uses his skills and experience to provide services to a number of clients.

Today, freelancing is a great opportunity as employers rely more on independent workers to sustain and grow their businesses. Freelancing is getting extremely popular all over the world,

Let's talk in Details...

Freelancers are the ones who are self-employed. They do not work for an employer in a 9 to 5 job, Monday to Friday. They are different from the current cubicle crowd. In the cubicle world, workers are given assignments to complete and chase the next assignment. Freelancers never stick to just one task.  They find contractual jobs, convince the client to hire them and once they get the job done, they get paid and move to the next contractual job.

What is a Freelancer?

A self-employed person who offers services to multiple clients while operating as his own boss. A freelancer sets his own service menu, and prices, and targets the client’s market. It’s just a myth that a freelancer refers to people who work for free. In many cases, freelancers earn more than their office counterparts.

A freelancer or freelance worker is a self-employed person who earns money by providing services to multiple clients. These services relate to the person’s skills and are not necessarily provided to just businesses.

Advantages of Freelancing:

More freedom

You have a lot more freedom as a freelancer than when you work for an employer, which is one of the benefits. You are essentially running your own business, and you have the last say on who you accept as a new customers, how much you charge per hour, and how many hours you work.

For instance, you can decline a potential client who approaches you with a job that appears difficult and doesn't pay well. You are not required to accept any projects that you do not want to.

Flexible hours

In particular, having the freedom to choose your own hours can be appealing. If you have children, you may decide to work during their school hours and after they have gone to bed. It's entirely up to you if you decide to work on a Saturday instead of Wednesday because the weather is pleasant. In general, you have free control over when and how you finish the work for your clients as long as you meet the established timeframes.


As a freelancer, you are, once more, in charge. Every aspect of how you manage things—including your workload, scheduling, dress code, and other decisions—is up to you.

However, working for yourself is not a holiday. Your responsibility is to ensure that you satisfy your customers, monitor your spending, look for new clients, and bargain prices. You might discover that managing everything requires you to work more than usual some weeks and less than usual others. But ultimately, it's all under your control.

Location flexibility

As a freelancer, you may have the freedom to live wherever you choose and even travel while working because you aren't tied to a specific employer or boss. Even though you might need to be close to your clients if you work as a freelancer, you can get clients everywhere.

Since a lot of freelance work is done digitally, you can work completely remotely, have clients all over the world, and live and travel as you like while doing it.

Compensation and earnings control

There is no need to request a raise from your boss if you are a freelancer. You choose the prices. You get to decide how much labor you accept as well. Rates and workload, however, are somewhat influenced by market factors. Asking for outrageous pay will inevitably result in a smaller pool of potential customers.

However, when they work more and develop a solid reputation, many independent contractors discover that they can gradually increase their prices.

Improved skill set

When you work as a freelancer, you accept various jobs from numerous clients. Every project offers something fresh and gives you a chance to develop new skills. As you proceed, you'll probably discover that you're learning new things.

In a regular full-time job that might not necessarily offer ongoing learning and development, you can feel more stationary. As you work on a wider range of project kinds as a freelancer, you'll have a lot more opportunities for development.

You can also want to develop your skill set independently. Instead of waiting for yearly corporate training, you may select how and when you do this as a freelancer. There are numerous online opportunities and courses available, and you are free to schedule time for them as you see fit.

Disadvantages of Freelancing:

There are drawbacks to freelancing as well. Let's examine some of the primary drawbacks of working as an independent contractor.

It takes time to establish a freelance business. It takes more than a few days to attract enough customers to sustain your family and your business.

Working at an office is not like freelancing. The freelancers' workflow may vary from time to time. On some days, there won't be a single project to work on, while on other days, there will be lots of tasks to work on.

Managing numerous clients and tasks can be somewhat difficult for freelancers. Many people find it difficult to remember deadlines and produce high-quality work on time.

When you first start freelancing, your pay may be poor. Freelancers may need to start with less money, but it's important to get paid what you're worth as soon as possible.


Difference between a freelancer and a home-based service business:
There is not much to differentiate between the two.

They manage their own schedules, work for many clients, and follow the same self-employment tax laws. However, there are a few distinctions between freelancers and home-based service enterprises. While a freelancer uses any name they have, business owner uses the name of their company. A freelancer often operates in accordance with market demands, however, a business owner operating from home must discover various approaches to address market gaps.

Started as a freelancer?

Finding jobs on a freelance website may be as simple as beginning your freelance business. Networking with contacts and other areas of influence can help you get clients. However, there are a few things you need to determine before starting, such as:

Success as a freelancer is dependent on the following:

  • Communication skill
  • Business development skill
  • Computer skills such as web development, software development, content writing, or any other skill in demand.

Decide what you want to offer to your client:

Beginning with freelance work requires you to decide upon the services you want to offer to clients. Freelance work includes writing, graphic designing, web designing, social media management, marketing, photography, bookkeeping, etc.

The target market:

After deciding upon the services, it is time for you to think about your brand and unique selling propositions. It is up to you to either specialize within a specific niche of your services such as copywriting or WordPress web design or within a specific market.


A social network such as LinkedIn is a good place to start career networking. To promote your services you need to build an online portfolio. Even setting up a website will be helpful in offering you get more customization than LinkedIn.

Setting prices:

Always be sure to charge prices for your work that can not only cover your expenses but also help you to earn a respectful living.

Reach out:

You can connect with potential clients with the help of your network. Freelance websites such as https://freelancer.comFiverr, Guru.com, or Upwork can help you find work. For experience, testimonials, and referrals these websites are very good sources.

Freelancers have to learn, adapt, and grow with the experiences throughout their journey. Becoming an intentional freelancer is a choice that should be made consciously as it gives peace of mind when you know you can afford the life you are living.

    Why do freelancers fail?

    Freelancing requires both soft skills and hard skills in order to succeed.

    People generally fail for the following reasons: insufficient time management (You have to allocate certain hours in a day on different marketplaces by bidding, and searching for clients). Lack of persistence (Be persistent; you are fighting with the finest of the best.